Sunday 28 July 2013

Superstar & Top Of The World

My latest covers on Carpenters songs. :)
Still need to improve my diction though. Worth trying isn't it?

The Karen Carpenter Story

Yesterday I was listening the vibrant music by the Carpenters.
Suddenly I found this one tribute movie.
The story about Karen Carpenters. She was one of the Anorexia Nervosa victim.
She looks too thin at the end of her life. Yes, suffering.

The story really can make me cry though. She was struggling with the psychological illness plus with all the hectic life and challenges.
She was too young to die actually. She was died at the age of 31. Yes. Too young isn't it?

Below is video of  the Karen Carpenters Story. 


According to the one who uploaded the movie,
"The Karen Carpenter Story is a TV movie that aired on CBS on January 1, 1989, telling the story of the rise and fall of the brother-and-sister pop music duo, The Carpenters. It was directed by Joseph Sargent. Richard Carpenter served as a producer for the film as well as the musical score.

The movie was very popular in the ratings; it was the highest-rated two-hour TV movie of the year and the third highest rated such program on any network during the 1980s. Although the film's attempts to show the life of Karen Carpenter are usually accurate, there are a few minor dramatic factual inaccuracies. This movie was not easy to make. The idea for a movie based on Karen's life had been floating around since about 1985 or 86. However, it was impossible to find someone to write the script for it. Once it had been approved by the studio and Richard Carpenter, there where daily script "rewrites or entire scenes were removed" according to Cynthia Gibb and Mitchell Anderson, in an attempt to soften the image of Agnes Carpenter by her son in real life. The final movie in, Gibb's opinion, gives a "white-washed" account of Karen's life. Gibbs also said that a lot of the information in it was "watered down or removed altogether" at the demand of Richard Carpenter.

A further example of this appeared in an article in 1988 where it's mentioned Richard produced a bag containing Karen's musty clothing and ordered the actress playing her to wear them then demanding Cynthia Gibb lose the required weight in order to fit into these clothes. Cythia Gibb states: I lost weight as Richard wanted and he was there watching over me in every scene. It was unnerving having to wear Karen's clothes, right down to her clingy T-shirts and crumpled bell-bottoms. I donned a wig and used Karen's make-up. By the time I was finished I felt I WAS Karen.

She was also quoted as saying " "there was no time to research and I had my drum lessons during my lunch hour". Even though she had starred for two years in Fame, she said it was still insisted upon her to take voice lessons to do the lip synching.

A crew member talks about the experience: Frankly, we were very glad he (didn't play himself). He was a pain in the backside, so oversensitive and close to the action he almost screwed things up. When we spotted him on his knees praying to Karen he was saying: "Forgive me, forgive me..." The misgivings he had were painfully obvious. You could almost see him wrestling with things in his mind. It was as if he felt that Karen would never have approved. He whispered to one of the boys: "I'd give my right arm if she were here now." The guy just hasn't been able to let go (and now) the film lacks an independent balance."

Left: She's too thin. She looks better, a lot better on the right side.

With her brother, Richard Carpenters

I love Carpenters

She's pretty if she put on some weight, isn't it? Saddening the fact she feels that being too thin is beautiful.
If I was during her era, maybe I will cry for her. The fact she does kill herself by not eating. Hurm.
And seriously I will not starve myself. I know I have to lose some weight but I will not sacrifice my life by not eating just to get skinny.

p/s: I adore her voice although I felt sorry for her. Rest in peace, Karen. We love you.

Tuesday 23 July 2013


Penat dengan macam-macam sebenarnya.
I have this one disease. Insomnia Tapi tak sampai tahap unbearable. But it does hit me right to my face because I'm sick due to that.
Macam mana nak buat?
Bukan nak tapi mata dan otak ligat berfungsi dikala badan dah tak mampu nak menanggung.
Akan berusaha lebih kuat dan kuatttt untuk tido

Political scene di Malaysia semakin wayyyy to mengarut.
Why is that so?
Sayap kanan berpecah belah.
Sayap kiri tak payah cakap la. Memang dah lama huru hara.
Sebab itu masih berpihak pada yang kanan.
Kepimpinan sayap kanan makin membimbangkan.
Penuh dengan egoistik, rasa mahu mengecam dan terus-terusan dikecam.
Rakyat makin terhimpit.
Pemimpin makin dihimpit.

p/s: any suggestion for me to have a quality sleep?

Friday 19 July 2013

Byul - You're The Best

Good Morning people!
I just want to share this lovely song to you guys :)

The teaser of this song is as below:

According to Loenent official account,
 "STAR comes back with a cute song 'You are the best' that she wrote and composed herself.

'You are the best' tells how happy she feels about Haha and her baby due in July. It is filled with the lovely lyrics ('Your face is like sunshine', 'I used to hate white milk but you make me drink that', 'You are the best man') and melodies.

The perfect fit character Booto made the music video a great collaboration as well. It adds more cuteness and loveliness to the song. A cute love song 'You are the best' by STAR will make listeners feel happier."

Byul (STAR) - You're The Best
Why are you so cute, why are you so nice, why are you so loveable?
I like you to death, I miss you to death, I’m gonna die because of you
Your face is like the sunlight, your voice is like candy, your heart is like the Pacific ocean
What do you lack? What do you not have? How can you be so perfect?
It was so natural, loving a person like you
As if it was a decided fate, as if I was bewitched, as if I’ve fallen for you
I can’t go on without loving you
You’re the best
I changed after I met you, my whole world changed, everything looks so pretty
Even the white milk that I used to hate, if you give it to me, I drink it so well
I became a girl who listens so well
It was so natural, loving a person like you
As if it was a decided fate, as if I was bewitched, as if I’ve fallen for you
I can’t go on without loving you
You’re the best
You’re the best, you’re the best to me, that’s who you are
My love, only I will have you, you can’t go anywhere now
Please stick to me
I only know you, I’m a fool who only thinks of you
Love is always like this, I’m bewitched, I’ve fallen deeply into you
What do I do? Take responsibility for me
You’re the best

p/s: i dedicate this lovely song to my man :) you're always the best. for me

How time flies :)

Just now I was reading the entries posted by my <3 in 2010 until 2011 (since he stoped writing since then) , and yes I'm smilling.
A really broad smile.
How time flies sayang.
From a kids type of love, now we're heading to a more and more serious love.
I love you. I hope till the end I will always love sayang.
He is the reason why I keep writing, from before we're together, until today.
There will always something.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Happy Birthday + Belated Anniversary

Hai hai!
Heee. Malam ni genap incik sayang hidup didunia selama 23 tahun
Selamat hari lahir sayang.
Dalam post ni juga aku nak ucapkan happy belated anniversary although secara rasminya sudah disambut berdua.
Dan ya. Mestilah ada kejutan yang memang terkejut vavavommm la kan.
I got a new BIGGGGG Teddy!

yuka & nico :D

I Love You sayang
I named it Yuka (big) and his tiny little brother, Nico.
I felt like jumping during that time. No wonder a day before that day, he did asked about my address. Maybe he was thinking to have the teddy to be send to my house. But unfortunately i do not remember the address. Haha.
And then the next day, tada!!!
Look how big is he (below)


The whole bed is only for him to lay down. Hahaha. And a little space for me.
But nahhhh. I am so happy!

He wants an ipad mini for his birthday gift. Pfftt.
Cubit nak?
Kalau nak, tunggu saya dah kerja. Hahaha.
Tp sy nak diamond in return. Boleh sayang? Hahahaha
Sayang tunggu minggu depan okay?
Kita celebrate belated birthday sayang.

I miss you. Day and night
p/s: I love you

Wednesday 17 July 2013

At last!

Setelah berabad dan berkurun lamanya aku mengabaikan blog ni.
Akhirnya aku menulis semula. Kenapa? Sebab idea baru nak mencurah (kot)
Daripada aku flood kan twitter, baik aku tulis kat sini. Kan?
Lagipun bila ada disini. Semua yang ada dalam kepala mampu di lontarkan dengan tepat.
Semua dengan nuansa dan warna baru. Lari dari suram kerana suram tidak cocok  dengan karekter aku. 
Harini, macam kebiasaan selalu. Tidur selepas subuh. ok ok. ye aku tahu tak elok tidur lepas subuh tapi consider la sikit aku yang tak mampu nak tidur malam ni.
Berharap sangat biological clock akan pulih seperti sedia kala.
Adakah kerana aku berasa anxious hingga menyebabkan aku tak mampu untuk tidur pada waktu malam?
Entah la
By the way, bukan tujuan utama aku untuk dibashed readers (kalau ada) tapi aku bercerita kerana ada rentetan dari kisah tidur tu.
Dalam mimpi, aku menangis. Dan bila aku sedar, mata aku terus bergenang. Dan sah, aku memang menangis dalam tidur.
Nangis yang teresak-esak.
Phewww. Pertama kali terjadi.
Apa yang terjadi dalam mimpi tak perlu la aku ceritakan kerana ceritanya terlalu pilu.
Semoga semua  baik-baik belaka.
Sudah lah. Aku rasa mahu cuba untuk lelap walau seketika. Selamat malam wahai dunia. Semoga tiada yang aneh berlaku disegenap jagat raya. 

Sunday 14 July 2013

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